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21 February, 2018 (02:47) | Uncategorized

Since Mac went over the bridge, Lucien just wouldn't bounce back. He ignored his sisters and was lethargic. We had him checked up after a few months, but the vet found nothing wrong. He was just sad. I was heartbroken. I thought over time he'd start to hang out with Mimi and Elvira more, but he just didn't. We toyed with getting another boy, but it just didn't feel right. November 2015 Pandora got out. My precious Squeak was never found. We believe she was ill and decided to go hide away. Not knowing still hurts to this day.

My brother decided that 3 cats wasn't enough. 4 days later, the night before Steve's (boyfriend) birthday he and my mom went to PetSmart. They text me two photos. One was a tuxie boy named Clint. Steve's eyes grew large. NO NO NO NO NO I cried! My mom and brother came back home sans cat. They ran out of carriers at the store and didn't allow cats to be taken out with one. Rightly so! I was sad, but relieved. Steve had other plans. Long story short, Steve, my brother and I ran back to PetSmart with one of our carriers.

Meet 12 month old Lucas. He was from Tracs out of Thompson Falls, MT. He didn't really respond to Clint and I didn't like the name anyway. I didn't mean to name him an L name like Lucien, but I couldn't figure out a proper vampire name. I should have talked to him about it. I kid you not, he does not like his name. He barely twitches when you talk to him. This was until one day I called him Lucas Pookus. Pook and Pookie stuck. Though unoriginal, it gets this stubborn boys'  attention. To this day, he barely flinches if you call him Lucas. He'll look at you if you say Pook though.

I must share, that a fire broke out on November 7th, but all cats were rescued. We can't get answers, but we wonder if our baby boy was there when it happened. He is super skiddish and does not like loud noises. We learned, his first summer with us, the lawn guy terrifies him. OK the mower, not the man. 🙁 He also freaks out, more than most cats, at closed doors.

Soooo even though I felt it was too soon to get another cat, Lucas was a blessing. Lucien came out of his funk and LOVES his baby brother. They cuddle and Lucas receives bathes from Lucien. They play, but not enough to keep Lucas happy. If he gets bored he cries. He also cries for real. Real tears. Mac used to do this. This is one of the reasons we got him. Steve swears that when we started to walk away, he looked back and saw tears. Once or twice, before we got Lily, I saw these years. He has us wrapped around his paws! They have more toys than a store. All of our cats do. We have three trees in windows. He likes us, but is not too people orientated.  We strive to make our fur kids happy, even at our expense and sanity at times. Finally near the end of the summer we decided we might have to get him a playmate.

To be continued......



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